When I first saw the trailer for Wall-E, I wasn't really too impressed. A garbage collecting robot. Who on earth sat around Disney/Pixar's think table and went "Eureka! Let's make a story about a robot garbage compactor!"
But Eureka indeed. I measure how good a movie is by how many people remain seated at the end of the movie. I counted only one. The rest of the cinema sat transfixed, still lingering in this wonderful other world that was created for us.
Anyone who knows me knows my fascination with space and this movie dealt with it just beautifully. There were many other themes considered as well in this wonderfully thought out movie. This was animation at its bravest and Pixar have certainly pushed boundaries with Wall-E.
I'll keep my peace. Go watch it. And look out for the delightful short movie at the start!
(P.S. Eve = Mac, Wall-E = Microsoft PC. Watch it and see if you agree with me!)
Wall-E... I like!
i dragged ming foong ( yeah your ming foong) hee hee and mun yee to watch the show with me, and halfwy, they were like... "Is this a love story between 2 robots?" incredulously.
I kinda liked it, and the fact that there were less than 30 words throughout the entire show.
It's slightly better than Shark Boy and Lava Girl, anyways...
D: Good leh the movie... Glad I watched it too!
thegirlwhoworeniceskirts: Apa lah lu! Go out on a date with my ming foong never invite me! Hahaha!
Yeah, it's an interesting concept isn't it - love between two robots - I can't think of another movie where two robots were in love. (A.I.? Or the secret love affair between R2D2 and C3P... yuckyuckyuck).
Shark Boy and Lava Girl rocks!
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