In case you really wanted this decorative homepiece that will be the talk of your friends, it's available at cowdepot.com
Happy birthday little sis! We are really thankful to have you in our lives, and we love you a lot! I know that you're going through 'character building' times right now but just remember the passion in you for people and medicine that started it all in the first place!
Although you have your occasional "moo"d swings, you're always ready to laugh things off or make us go "Whaat!" or burst out laughing with your interesting out-from-nowhere statements!
We love you and we are proud of you, lil' sis! Happy birthday! *cow hugs*
The Girl Who Wore Nice Skirts: Part 4
He remembers getting a yo-yo once and it was all the craze in the house. It was bright yellow and it made a loud whirring noise and lit up when spun. His brother was learning to 'walk the dog' and do a 'round the world' while he was still struggling to even spin the silly thing.
She watched from afar, feigning disinterest, but secretly she badly wanted to play it as well.
She approached him in the master bedroom one day while he had the yo-yo in hand.
"Ko ko ah?" she purred.
He straightened up, all his defenses to the fore. They had never used titles in this house, always calling each other by name. She wants something, his eyes narrowed.
"Ko ko ah?" she repeated. "Can I pleaaasseee have the yo-yo?" she said in her sweetest voice.
"Awww...." his defenses lowered quietly, giving in to her sweetness. He slowly hands over the yo-yo to her, his heart melting for all the wonderful things that she was to him, this little angel who sang songs to herself, the girl who would give him free random hugs, his sister who he loved and would have given the worl...
"Thank you sucker! Hahahaha!" She screams victorious as she grabs the yo-yo and her tiny feet scurries away cheekily out of the bedroom before he could react.
He stands there, stunned, incredulous, his hand now yo-yoless. His melted heart solidifies and it is now furiously pumping all the blood to his head and screaming for him to give chase to this little monkey who had cheated his emotions and swindled his yo-yo.
But a little smile creeps along the corners of his mouth even as he tries to suppress the laughter of his own foolishness and the deviousness of his little sister.
His feet starts to react in mock chase but he knows she had an unbeatable head start. His grin widens even as he hears her slamming the door to her room and locking it, her relieved laughter resonating behind the impenetrable door.
She was victorious, and he couldn't love her any more than he did at that very moment.
Happy birthday, little sis!
Dear Kor kor,
That was a slight injustice to your entry about me.. I did not run to the room and hide behind locked doors... I stood there and laughed in front of the both of you, laughing gleefully and shouting 'sucker! sucker! over and over again... Me brave...Me no hide...Me big grizzly yo-yo playing bear...
Haha... having brothers like you actually wished I was taught to call you all'kor kor' cause that's only the minimal amount of respect the both of you deserve for being such good brothers to me =P
Eg... who would be suckered into cooking maggi mi for me in the middle of the night? Love you!
Dear mui mui,
Haha! You couldn't even pay us a compliment without ending it with another 'suckered ya!' comment, could you!
You know we would always cook it for you, you little big grizzly maggi mi eating bear!
P.S. Did you get the gift we sent you?
Love, Your kor kors.
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