The two most important things in life to a Liverpudlian: The Beatles and Liverpoolfc. Now brought to you in one video.
Fans of the club will recognise the magical Champions League Final of 2005.
What I would like to draw your attention to, though is Sean "Shhean" Connery's interpretation of this song which is my all time favourite Beatles' song.
The Beatles have a special place in the hearts of our family because a lot of nostalgia tied in with their songs. When we were much younger, we would have annual car trips up to Penang, and music in the car was a must - we spent many hours listening to Nana Moskouri, ABBA and especially, the Beatles.
I first heard this version when a high school friend of mine, who was more into the music scene, dug up this CD called GeorgeMartinInMyLife. It was quite a brilliant CD, with reworks of famous Beatles' songs by contemporary musicians and non musicians alike. It was a talented cast which included Jim Carrey, Robin Williams, Vanessa Mae, Celine Dion, Goldie Hawn and John Williams.
My top three favourites in the album were Goldie Hawn singing a very cute, sex-kitten version of A Hard Day's Night, John Williams' brilliant classical guitar take on Here Comes The Sun, and it was Sean Connery's pensive, wistful delivery of In My Life that absolutely floored me.
The only other song to have floored me in recent years have been this re-interpretation:
Joni Mitchell's Both Sides, Now which was a reinterpretation of her Both Sides Now when she was younger. The younger version had a more naive, doe-eyed Joni Mitchell strumming on her guitar, giving it an upbeat hippie feel to it.
But this version, some thirty years later, is laden with emotion, and has an appropriately melancholic feel to it. Joni Mitchell, a little older and a lot more experienced, had earned the right to redo her song, with empathy this time. The cover to her album almost defines the mood: Cigarette in one hand, wine glass within reach of the other, reflecting on a life flown by. This will be me next year.
The use of the song in Love Actually to supplement the role of the stoic, tormented wife played to standing-ovation perfection by Emma Thompson was a masterstroke of genius.
It's life's illusions I recall.
I really don't know life.
I really don't know life, at all.
haha my favourite lines are 'but now it's just another show / and you leave them laughing when you go'
i can't remember how old i was when love actually came out (okay so i wasn't THAT young cos i am not THAT old now ha ha) but it was the first time i paid proper attention to joni mitchell. so i'd only heard old joni not young joni.. i definitely like the remake better, haha.
Yeah, old Joni definitely does it for me more... She also did 'Big Yellow Taxi' but I secretly prefer the Counting Crows/Vanessa Carlton version.
The remakes are somewhat better than the originals... thankfully, she can claim this one for her own!
"I secretly prefer the Counting Crows/Vanessa Carlton version"
and because i want to start a fight
"aiya krystin is just emo lah!"
OMG ME TOOOOO! ditto on the counting crows haha
i have joni mitchell's greatest hits album - 'you turn me on like a radio' hahaha
dong i'm not even going to deign that with a response, like, who wants to fight with you/considers you a worthy opponent?
btw i was telling R that our pretend-friendship functions on insults
Children! Settle down! Go argue on someone else's blog!
Haha! It's just fun to see the both of you erupting on this blog...
Exams do bring out the best in you! :)
as well as the most adversarial in us!
sorry to use your blog hk. we need neutral battleground :)
heheh. you do realise that your non-retaliation does constitute a rejoinder eh krys?
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