Bukit Bintang Boys' School Sunday School Graduating Class of 1992
Let me explain the picture above: When I was growing up we used to attend a Sunday School, which is a Christian school for kids. On ...urm, Sundays (my descriptive creative writing skills know no bounds!).
Let me explain the picture above: When I was growing up we used to attend a Sunday School, which is a Christian school for kids. On ...urm, Sundays (my descriptive creative writing skills know no bounds!).
Sunday School holds a special place in my heart because it was there that I accepted Jesus as my saviour as a boy of seven. Our Sunday school was held in the Bukit Bintang Boys' Secondary School, and week in, week out, we would learn about Jesus in a fun way.
I remember there was a year when we were given gold nuggets (ie. little rocks sprayed with gold paint) every time we memorised a Bible verse or completed our homework from the previous week. We would hoard these little gold rocks in cloth pouches, then have the opportunity to exchange them for gifts at the end of the year.
Foolishly, I ate all my gold nuggets.
Foolishly, I ate all my gold nuggets.
(The first few were really hard on the teeth, so I resorted to sucking the gold paint off the remaining ones).
Okay, no, I actually exchanged my gold nuggets for a pencilbox at the end of the year.
(And then I ate the pencilbox).
Okay, no, I actually exchanged my gold nuggets for a pencilbox at the end of the year.
(And then I ate the pencilbox).
Anyways, back to the picture. We would take yearly photos of each class in Sunday school, and the photo above is of my Sunday school friends trying to recapture one of the year's photo where we were all standing in the very same poses.
As you can see, I look like I'm still trying to pass out the gold nuggets I ate all those years ago.
Here we are, twenty years removed from the innocence of yesteryears, having moved on from crayons and gold nuggets to careers and mortgages. I'm glad that a part of us remembers the children that we once were.
(And then, he ate the photo)
You're a funny man, Rajes! I was contemplating taking off the picture and leaving the words (I ate the photo) but then realised it was too much effort!
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