I hope that you've all had a wonderful New Year's Eve watching fireworks going off all over the world, but have had some time to reflect on 2007 and time to make some resolutions for 2008.
Top 10+1 resolutions for 2008:
1. I
2. will
3. not
4. eat
5. as
6. much
7. as
8. I
9. have
10. over
11. Christmas.
I am fat. I have never been this fat. I have been pregnant and have never been this fat. I am so fat that the Michelin man has told me to lose weight.
I have finally come to an end of another seven day shift. It has been a really interesting week as well. Who would have thought that I would be speaking from someone from the Korean embassy during my week of work! (Ask me the story! I will tell it to you if you say I look like one of the F4 boys!)
Despite working eleven hour days, I managed to get to the beach yesterday with my brother, mum, K and D - it was a little cold but we really had so much fun on the beach - my mum has been a revelation! She has been really sporting about joining us in our games - it's really good to see!
And by the way - for all those who are young at heart - there is one show that you must catch before it leaves the big screens!:

picture from Walt Disney (tm)
This is really a brilliant idea from Disney and although the plot is deliberately predictable, it has so many endearing features about it that you can't help but feel a warmth in your heart and keep a smile on your face throughout the movie!
I know that some of you will definitely love it to bits! Go see it with like minded friends who keep a small part of their hearts for happy endings, princess tiaras, true love kisses and valiant princes on horseback! The acting is spectacular especially from the princess acted to perfection by Amy Adams!
(I lied, I still have crushes!)
Stop reading this! Go watch it now!
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