"How much cricket have you watched, HK?" I hear you ask.
I have watched so much cricket, I nearly understand the game now. That's how much cricket I've been watching!
I'm just glad Mum is here, and also if you haven't been updated yet, my brother has a girlfriend now!
(WHAT??!! I hear a scream all the way from Melaka/Kuala Lumpur. I can see her as she speeds off in her car towards the airplane, driving at breakneck speeds down highways, screeching to a halt in front of the KLIA, jumping out, infiltrating her way past the security guards, getting onto the airplane, getting off at Melbourne International, desperately flagging a taxi, hurrying the poor taxi driver to our address, slamming the taxi door as she gets out, ringing fervently at the doorbell, and then when my brother opens the door, she slaps him across the face and asks, "WHEN WERE YOU GOING TO TELL ME?"
Soon, little sis. Soon.
I was just about to ring you and then you showed up in front of the house already...)
Anyways, because Mum is here, we've got to do all the fun things that we normally wouldn't have done before! And we decided to visit the Dandenongs today! The Dandenongs is this beautiful mountain ranges about an hour's drive away from the city, and it has two main features:
1) Breathtaking sceneries and fairytale quality forests
2) Restaurants that have tried to retain a certain British country charm about them.We made the drive up today, and Mum was equipped with her brand new state-of-the-art pink hat to face the blazing sun. We started off in the mornings at this beautiful vantage point called the SkyHigh Viewpoint. It was a cloudless day and we could see Melbourne sprawled before us:
We had our fill of photos and panorama, and then moved on to Olinde, one of the nearby stuck-in-the-1800s-English-towns, and had a wonderful lunch at a lovely restaurant called Pie In The Sky (cleverly named, but, the acronym is not flattering at all!): We had our pick of food...
The food was great, but there was an intense shortage of chairs...
We had our fill, and Mum browsed around in the local shops for awhile, before we finally headed down towards Sassafras, for the legendary Miss Marple's teahouse. This teahouse is based on a character from an Agatha Christie novel, and serves really good scones and desserts. We were full but that didn't stop us. Nothing has stopped us since Christmas Eve, come to think of it.
In the foreground is the scones for which the place places it reputation. There is a lovely intense strawberry jam and whipped cream which goes with it. Mah-vellous, deah!
The ice cream in the corner was called 'the Vicar's folly'. It should have been called 'The Road to Hell Is Paved With...' It was sinfully delicious! There was whipped cream, hazelnut ice cream, and big broken Crunchie bits added into the ice cream! Can you see the satisfied furrowing of my eyebrows and the soft guttural 'Uumph' arising from my mouth as I bite into this one?
Jingle bells, jingle bells, Christmas was last month,
We'll continue, to use the store, as a money laundering front!
And there you have it, ladies and gentlemen, New Year's resolution decimated to nothingness in less than a week. For advice and guidance on discipline and self-restraint, please read someone else's blog. Happy New Year!
haha happy new yr (:
actually i think the scones at pie in the sky are nicer than miss marples! but yeah the cream is uber sinful! the shop nextdoor is so cute- the ones with all the pretty &wise stationery "Shopping Forever Homework Whenever" oops i mean the wise ones are "Be Still and I know I Am God"
hmmm HK i bet you can sing all the enchanted songs!
you sound like you're having an amazing time with your family. haha. greetings from singapore my feathered friend!
K - "Shopping Forever Homework Whenever" sounds like something I need to get for my sister! I'll need to make the trip up again!
gnod - Now that I'm severely underslept, your name is actually spelt correctly in my head! I hope Singapore has a kinder weather than the sweltering heat here in Melbourne!
On second thoughts, my sister may relate to the Be Still and I Know I Am God one more. Haha!
yes... the shopping one would never suit me!
because i can create my own clothes...
aiyoh... kuih banana oh....
DC: What is kuih banana? yellow in the outside, white in the insidE????? *pengsan*
DC: hehehe... kueh banana... *chuckle*..
Kuih banana was this phrase we used when we were growing up. It doesn't mean anything specifically, just sounds melodic and cute when you say it in the context of 'Aiyoh, kuih banana oh!' (Try it!)
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