Sunday, September 2, 2012

Farewell, Maldives.

It is our last night here in Maldives, and a squall is developing outside our villa hut. The rain lashes against our glass door and the wind whistles as she whips away everything in our sight. One of Karen's singlets that was drying on our balcony has already fallen victim to the winds.

It is a stark reminder that out here on our idyllic holiday, we are still subject to the wildness of God and nature - it is monsoon season here after all. The tempest came very suddenly, with little warning this evening, and it lasted for a good hour before completely venting its fury. We have been blessed with really good weather otherwise on this honeymoon.

It has been an amazing honeymoon. A time for restfulness, playfulness, silliness and exploration. Our holidays over the years often mean trips back to Malaysia and Singapore to gorge on food and catch up with friends, which we love to do, but being alone together on a holiday this time, away from the world has made for a rejuvenating trip, both individually and as a couple.

We have swum, kayaked, snorkeled with the fishes to our hearts content. We've had time to read, to reflect, to listen and to grow as a couple. We've also had time to develop a tan that teeters on the edge of a sunburn.

It's coming to an end, this honeymoon part of our trip. Soon we will trade the beach for the bustle, as we travel from the turquoise oceans of the Maldives to the sea of people and activity that is Hong Kong.

We are grateful, and we are ready.

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