Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Made in Maldives.

Contrary to popular belief, we did not come here on a BMM (baby-making mission). The realities of our three weddings in Melbourne, Malaysia and Singapore back in Dec/Jan earlier this year meant that we returned to Melbourne exhausted and a little 'peopled-out'. We loved our weddings and being able to catch up meaningfully with great friends and families, but we also craved to be alone by the end of it.

Back to work, and back to reality, there have been times in the relationship where it's always been go-go-go and there hasn't been time to sit quietly and be a couple.

Nine months on, we rise and we fall like ordinary couples amongst the waves of life. We talk,we laugh, we expect, we cry, we unconsciously bring work home, we argue, we apologise, we make up, we promise it will be better tomorrow. If we are not careful, we sometimes forget what it meant to be husband and wife.

We finally understood the need for a honeymoon.

And so here we are, amongst the calming turquoise blue of the Indian Ocean, the gentle sound of lapping waves at our doorstep beating out the rhythm of a line of idle days, the white powdery sand giving way to the weight of our footprints. The sun is turned to just the right temperature, its rays dance in the clear waters beneath us.

We are children once more - 6 am dips in the ocean, pointing excitedly at the varieties of fishes swimming underneath our villa, reading aloud interesting paragraphs of the book we've brought, secretly making fun of all the other lovey-dovey couples here with their matching clothes.

We are here learning to be best friends again.

(And then we can talk about making babies. Tee hee!)

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