Friday, June 18, 2010

Sate, Sate, Sate Ria, Sate Sungguh Lazat

As usual, my procrastinating mind would wander during my periods of 'intense' studying into the realms of childhood, where the only thing I ever had to worry about was whether I watched He-Man sitting up, lying down, or with my head dangling upside down from the edge of the couch.

Random Memories: Seven Years Old

School kids are evil. There is no limit to their creativity in finding new ways to make you feel uneasy.

Take for example my eleven year old friends who used to think that reaching out to grab your crotch as they approached you was an acceptable way of saying hello.

But I'll save that story for another day.

I remember the one thing that we used to do as seven year olds was to creep up behind an unsuspecting friend in school, and then making a fanning motion with one hand over the open palm of the other while singing "Sate, Sate, Sate Ria, Sate sungguh lazat!" ("Satay, Satay, Satay Ria, where the satays are delicious!") as if you were barbequing your friend's ass. 

The normal reaction from your friend would be:
1) Thrusting his pelvis forward to get his butt away from your stupid fanning hands.
2) Making a disapproving noise, somewhere between irritation for dropping his guard and being crept up on, and being annoyed by your childish stupidity (Wooi! Tcht...heeesh!)
3) Turning around to chase you as you scampered away to safety, laughing like a maniac.

Sate Ria was a franchise where they sold satays in proper air-conditioned restaurants. The concept didn't go down very well with local Malaysians, who thought it ridiculous to pay twenty or thirty sen more per stick of satay just to eat it in a fast-food like joint.

Satays were always meant to be enjoyed in the open air, on plastic hawker stall seats, with the smoke billowing over your head as you bit into the juicy grilled chicken or beef bits dripping with peanut sauce.

The business quickly tanked, and now it remains nothing but a nebulous childhood memory.

At least we got some stupid juvenile fun out of abusing their jingle for awhile!


  1. haHAha.. We gals also used to have stg like that. We called it 'Touch n Go' and where we would slap another gals butt and go. Hahaha..

  2. Man... You Convent girls were nasty!

    I think this Touch and Go thing would have been really funny if the slapper shouts out "Touch and Go!!" a milisecond after slapping the victim's butt, and then running away like crazy!

  3. I don't know if they had it everywhere but at my place.. The satay guy would come on a motorbike, like the putumayam guy or the roti guy!

  4. Man... Really? Satay on a bike? How la?

    His bike got an extension which he can pull out and start grilling satays is it? :)

  5. That roti man box, open it up and a little grill in there!
