Sunday, March 21, 2010

Like No One's Watching

Yesterday K and I attended a friend's wedding.

It was a really nice day for it - the sun was out in all its glory, pleasantly warming up the garden as we bore witness to their matrimony.

It was then on to the reception, and we laughed hard at the speeches over our meals.

It then came time for the bridal waltz, and the groom kept apologising as he stepped all over the blushing bride's feet. No one cares how well a couple dances or how well the groom sings at a wedding. Everyone is just brimming with overwhelming love and well-wishes for the couple, and were there to have a good time.

There was an invitation to come on to the dance floor to join the wedded couple, and so we did, after a little hesitation. The other guests followed suit, and soon the dance floor was filled with semi-drunk relatives and friends, who were eager to prove that their non-existent dance lessons had paid off.

I love dancing. I may not be good at it, but I still love it. I never dance to impress girls, because my good looks, charming personality (and unparalleled modesty) would have won them over long before the need to hit the dance floor. Hahaha!

But seriously, I think that dancing is a great way of celebrating the body that God has given us, and it should be done as often as possible, either at parties, weddings or in the solitude of your own home.

Like no one's watching.

Random Memories: Seven Years Old

I am at a friend's 7th birthday party, which his Dad is throwing at a pub. Don't ask me why a seven year old's birthday party was held in a pub. Ronald McDonald was probably in a corner, hitting the Tiger beer.

There is a DJ hired for the occasion, and we are playing Dancing Statues. The idea is that when the music stops, we all freeze in our positions, and whoever moves or smiles is kicked out (not literally) until the last remaining child is declared the winner.

Tubby seven year old HK was burning up the dance floor.

"Check out this boy, yeah! Look at him go!" exclaims the DJ over the booming music. "Breakdancing like Michael Jackson, yeah!"

It wasn't even breakdancing. Hell, it wasn't even dancing. It was me flapping my fat little arns like how I had seen them do on television.

I looked like a lost beached whale trying to get back to the ocean, but the DJ's encouragement has spurred me on through the years, and that's why I keep dancing until today.

Which is the lesson for today - always say encouraging things to children.

That way, you can keep them going and laugh at them for a longer time to come.

Maybe you'll marry, maybe you won't.
Maybe you'll have children, maybe you won't.
Maybe you'll divorce at 40.
Maybe you'll dance the funky chicken on your 75th wedding anniversary.
Whatever you do, don't congratulate yourself too much or berate yourself either -
your choices are hald chance, so are everybody else's.

Enjoy your body, use it every way you can...
Don't be afraid of it, or what other people think of it...
It's the greatest instrument you'll ever own.

Dance... even if you have nowhere to do it but in your own living room.

- Everybody's Free (To Wear Sunshine), Baz Luhrmann


  1. why does that saying sound so familiar ah? Is it a song? Funky chicken.. When you gonna do that for us? My friends laugh at my dancing too. Love to do the robot..

  2. Yeah... it is a song... Baz Luhrmann's "Everybody Free To Wear Sunshine". It's a spoken song, like it was addressed to a graduating class.

    The funky chicken is like a Western wedding staple dance. I don't know how to do it, really!

    Maybe I will start a Malaysian equivalent - The "Chicken Rice" dance.

    Would love to see you do the robot!
