Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Turning the Decade

To my older brother, on his 31st birthday - Happy Birthday! May this next year be one filled with friends old and new, discovering new experiences and finding a deep joy in life!

Random Memories: Eight Years Old

My brother and I used to sleep in the master bedroom by ourselves when we were younger. I am not sure how we got away with that, but I suspect that my Dad's inability to climb the stairs easily and both my parent's generosity had something to do with it.

The master bedroom holds a lot of memories for me as a child. I remember the pillows that adorned the bed - interspersed among the proper sleeping pillows were our bantal busuks (literally 'smelly pillows' in Malay, equivalent to a security blanket.) I had this yellow Doraemon pillow which I must have drooled on incessantly until it changed colour. (Ewww...)

The master bedroom was also the scene of the death of our childhood dreams - I remember how as little children we used to have these wonderful T-shirts with capes at the back of them - it was the height of the Superman (Christopher Reeve, not Brandon Routh) craze then. We were pasar malam heroes in our T-shirts - I was the Malaysian Hero with my red flowing cape while my brother had his blue Batman one.

My wonderfully artistic younger sister's recreation of what I looked like in that caped shirt as a child. I wish I knew where the original photo is.

We were a handful, both of us boys, tearing through the house like chimpanzees on steroids, our capes flowing behind us. We would scream the house down, and I think that one day we were jumping around and making a little too much noise when Mum decided that she had had enough, so she grabbed the sewing scissors and then proceeded to cut the capes off our T-shirts, much to our juvenile horror.

We didn't fly around so well after that. Our tiny imaginations couldn't bring us beyond the jagged edges of cloth that hung limply from our superhero uniforms where our brave capes once flowed.

I remember as well the nights before our sleep when my brother would tell me stories sometimes or we would talk about everything and nothing before falling asleep. There was a period in his ten-year-old life when his only aim was to make me laugh until I begged him to stop.

The magic words that would cause me to laugh uncontrollably would somehow always involve a bodily excrement or function and some bad words (read: shitting, pissing and farting) and I would be so tickled that I would still laugh about it the next day.

Twenty one years on, and my taste in toilet humour has not weaned off one bit. Just ask Karen.

Happy birthday, Jo.


  1. Aaaw beebee aaaaw! <- referring to the cape incident of course.

    And I had to laugh when I was just thinking to myself that nothing much had changed when it came to your toilet humour, and you delivered the killer line: Just. Ask. Karen.

  2. Haha beebee! I think we know each other a little too well!

    Ah... it's not too big of a loss, the cape! At least I have a drawing of it, and hopefully the picture somewhere as well? (Please, Mum or Grace?)

  3. bee beeeee! the drawing not bad oh... mummy says don't bruff our house got no scissors wan. or rotans. Neither do I know where that photo is...

  4. Hahaha! Beebee for you to call one meh?

    Yeah, the house is devoid of rotan and scissors, because we the scissors to cut the rotan, and then threw the scissors away! Hee hee!

    I wish someone knew where that photo is - it's really precious! Sigh...

  5. yo you doing over there?

  6. aiyoh how ah? maybe we can find the negative instead? were there negatives in the 80's?

  7. Nicole - Hiya! Yeah... I'm almost coming to the end of my year off... It has been a very good year indeed!

    Congratulations on your upcoming graduation, by the way! Finished that stupid thesis, finally! Wah... Dr Nicole Tan Yu Yin... glamernya!

    GCLK - The only negatives in the 80s was the bad haircuts and Lionel Richie.

    Yeah, I don't think we have negatives for that picture... It's gone and lost forever!!
