Wednesday, September 30, 2009

A Funny Thing Happened On The Way To School

Well, it's officially 200 posts now since I made my move from my previous blogdrive account. Thank you to everyone for reading. And for sharing your stories with me.


As relayed to me by my favourite friend storyteller.

So we were from one of those La Sallian brother's school lah, you know, and it was an all boys' school, run by the Catholic brothers. It was horrible in an all boys' school because we would get into all sorts of trouh-ble, you know.

And no use caning us, because you know lah, as boys, after awhile we don't feel it... So the brothers had to be very creative lah you know, about their forms of punishment.

There was this one that they came up with - called the Statue of Liberty.

So what happens is that the punished boy will be standing in the middle of the field in the hot afternoon sun, and he will be holding a Coke bottle in his hands, lah, you know. The old type of Coke bottle one, you know - in the glass and with the steel bottlecaps.

And he'll have to hold it with his arm outstretched lah, you know, like the Statue of Liberty.

And so it would be like a sort of sadistic torture lah, you know. You would be melting lah, melting you know! in the midday sun, and the bottle of refreshment is just there in your hands but you couldn't drink it.


Terrer (Awesome) right? The Catholic brothers were pretty pleased with that punishment - I guess even compassionate men of God lose all compassion in a boys' high school!!

So one day, right, there was these three boys in the middle of the field lah. Sweating, sweating all, with their Coke bottles in their hands. Punished to the max.

Then suddenly ah, there was this boy coming out from nowhere, you know. Like a bolt of white and green lightning he suddenly appeared from out of the blue, and he just ran like crazy lah... We saw him running and then we thought to ourselves, Eh, what the hell is this guy doing lah?

Faster and faster he approached the three students in the middle of the field, and then suddenly we realised what was going on! Someone must have dared him or offered to pay him some money to do this lah - he had a bottle opener in his hand and in one swift motion, three bottlecaps flew off three Coke bottles, and then he ran back to the cheers of everyone sitting in the terraces.

And the three boys were gloating now, drinking their Cokes victoriously. The look on their faces were like Ah, feel the fresh taste of freedom! Hahahaha!

Then, half an hour later, right, that bottle-opener boy was standing in the middle of the field, being pa-nished, with a Coke bottle in his outstretched right hand. Ahahahahah! Padan muka! (Serves him right!)

But he had this grin on his face, you know, because just for that moment, he was a hero lah!


  1. Dear son thank you for writing the blog. I am always an avid reader of your blog.There are lots of sweet memories during these old school days when I tirelessly waiting in the car for the school bell to ring. Amongst others, the most memorable moment is during the last prize giving day when I walked through the crowd with you and the crowd broke into applause saying head prefect mum is coming. I felt so honoured and I always cherish that moment. Thanks for making mum proud of you. Praise to the Lord.

  2. Hello Mum! Wah, finally my Mummy commenting on my blog!

    Yes, I do remember all those days of you waiting tirelessly outside the school in the Proton Iswara while we finished running around doing silly things!

    Thank you Mum for reading.

    And for continuing to wait for us patiently.

    I love you, Mum!
