Sunday, April 12, 2009

Naturally 7 - For A Refreshing Go(o)d Time

This Good Friday, H and J invited us over to Crown Casino to watch this a cappella group, Naturally 7 .

I was the one who had introduced him to this group, coming across them one day in one of my many travels to that life-sucking wasteland which was Youtube.

To be honest, I didn't even remember this group, but H had heard them on the Hamish&Andy radio show earlier in the week, and remembered me showing him a clip about them.

The four of us then went to Crown, and I wasn't sure that this was going to be a great experience -

(/start quirky interlude, a la Ally McBeal)

Pessimistic Boy to the rescue!

To infinity, and beyond!... no, wait, infinity's too far away. And it will probably rain in infinity. And I'll probably twist my ankle going to infinity.

No, it's safer to stay here. I'll probably catch a cold here. And die.

(/end quirky interlude)

- but at the end of the day, we were all really glad we went. This is why:

Naturally 7 is not your typical a capella group, because they have created their own niche by calling it vocal play. Rather than just use their voices to sing, they become the instruments instead.

Their performances literally blew us away. They made Boyz II Men look like a bunch of sweater-knitting grandmothers.

Before the show. We were a collective puddle after.

Ranging from the early 20s to the mid 40s, all six of them (one member had to return to the States because of his father's funeral) did not show their age one bit, and were really vibrant on stage. It was well choreographed, and they were really tight vocally as well, each of them unique in their vocal talent and choice of instrument.

All of them were exceptional, but the one who drove the women (and some men, too. Okay, me included) craziest was the youngest member of the group, Armand "Hops" Hutton. He was lanky and unassuming, and stood off to one corner.

When he had a chance to speak however - Oh. My. Include Name of Deity Here.

He was the bass of the group which was surprising given how lean and tall he was.

The voice that emanated from him, however, would change your life. It was so deep that you wondered why you never saw the lightning preceding this thunder. It was so deep that you wanted to write out the Ten Commandments on two stone tablets.

This voice carried the natural frequency of your body, resonating in all the right places. This is the voice that causes bras to snap on their own accord. And panties, too.

You think I'm exaggerating.

Despite my X-rated description of him, this group was actually really good and fun to watch live, and all their songs actually have a Christian heritage to it. They were unafraid of talking about their Christian roots, without being overbearing to their audience that night.

It was a night of clean fun, and seeing how far seven men, intent on glorifying God with their God-given talent, can go.

Youtube them now!


  1. omg hahaha.

    I would like to keep my undergarments on thank you.

  2. Quite descriptive HK. I agree with you about Hops! Sexiest voice in the world. Perhaps even in the universe.

  3. k - You speak as if you had a choice.

    If you heard his voice, you don't.

    Julz - Sexiest voice in the universe, indeed!

    (Is this the part where I stop talking in case big K gets suspicious about my preferences? Hahaha!)
