Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Slumdog Millionaire

What are the elements of an award-winning movie?
A. Love
B. Story
C. Cast
D. Dancing

E. All of the Above

I got to watch slumdog millionaire the day it won the four awards at the Golden Globes for best film, best director, best screenplay and best music. It is definitely one of the better watches of the year, with India - the flawed star of the world stage now - depicted in all its poverty, corruption and decadence. And yet, in the midst of all this darkness and despair blossoms love, hope and one incredible story well told in this movie directed by Danny Boyle (Trainspotting, The Beach, Sunshine).

Ironically, this movie has yet to be released in India, and the news world waits with bated breath to see the reaction of the world's second most populous nation depicted in all her ugliness, destitution and scars.

Go watch it, for a movie so good you leave the theatres affected.


  1. i yam liking india very much, no?

  2. No... I mean yes... I mean no... I mean... Just go watch the movie! You'll love it!

  3. YESSSSSSSS it was so good right! (((:

    I love the soundtrack too.. I felt like dancing along when the brothers are on the roof of the train and there's that Jai Ho rap.. and Latika's theme is so beautiful!

    embarrassingly, I SCREAMED in cinema in the beginning when he jumps into the youknowwhat to get the autographed photo!!

    re how india's received it, unfortunately..!

  4. K - Yeah, I thought the music was actually really impressive - a blend of the East and intermittent West.

    And the WHOLE cinema I was in screamed at the first part as well, some in disgust, but mostly in delight!

    Too bad the Indians don't like how India is portrayed - I guess it's a daily reality for some of them, unfortunately, whereas for us it is something to be marveled at.
