Monday, December 8, 2008


It feels better today than it did yesterday. I know that it will be better again tomorrow, and that these transitional blues are normal.

[Note to A: I have absolutely used up all my SNTPG (sit-next-to-pretty-girl) points and sat next to... no one on the way back. Two seats to myself! The Shack has come in really handy, thank you very much! Awesome read too, by the way... more than halfway through it.)]

This has been a really important trip back to Malaysia, though, and I think God in His infinite wisdom, and His impeccable timing, has allowed me to go back to Malaysia at a time which is important to my family, and my friends.

It has been a time of seeing love consummated, and love interrupted. It has been a time of sitting around food, exchanging ideas and laughter, hearing of the things that have happened in the breath between our last goodbye and our present hellos.

Now I sit in the silence, and the quiet isolation of Melbourne again. I cannot describe this distance to you, except to say that it has always been here.

I will be okay, in the days to come. Life will take over again.


  1. meet more people la... ? how to when u sit at home?


  2. haha well get used to it!!! it takes me about a month or so for everything to get back to normal..esp the food part...nothing in aus taste as good as msia!!!!!

  3. Nothing like a good book to drive away the blues. Glad it made good company :)

    Take will take over again.


  4. DC - Thanks for your concern... I realise now it's more your mothering concern than anything!

    Nicole - Nice wake up call! Yeah, it does take awhile to get back to normal, and I will get there lah! To Melbourne's defense, there are some things here that can be comparable to Malaysian food... almost!

    A - Thank you again... I'm more than halfway through but I want to savour the book... And yes, life will take over again.
