Sunday, September 14, 2008

Enough To Make Mum Proud

Dear Mum,

Heng Wai and Doreen cooked this. (ie. Doreen did all the work and Heng Wai just came it right at the end to say "Just a bit more salt. Perfect.")

Har Mee. And beef balls. Combined into one. It's like kissing your first love.

See what I mean.

My brother and his girlfriend have been experimenting to make certain Malaysian dishes, and some have been really successful. This Har Mee was especially good. The secret ingredient? There is no secret ingredient. (Kung Fu Panda reference! Ka-Pow!) No, it's actually fish sauce in the soup.

By virtue of their experimenting, I've had the pleasure of eating their Char Kway Teow experiments, their Bak Kut Teh trials and so on. That's me... the Gluttony Guinea Pig. Armnyamnyamnyamnyamnyam!


  1. i watched this is my copyright class. was very funny :)

    hope you're doing good!


  2. Hey Dong!

    Yeah, I've seen it too! I found it while I was looking for the clips for Qantas!

    The chaser's are wicked!

  3. hehehe..hehehe.. yummy...:) next goal will be HOKKIEN MEE..... by your brather...:)

  4. hmmm how very lucky of you!!! can send some over to sydney for me?

  5. DC: Wah! Hokkien Mee! His favourite (not mine!) Hahaha! I wonder where he's going to get pork lard from!

    Nicole: I will trade you one bowl of Har Mee for 30 mini cupcakes. Deal?

  6. kekeke.. What's ur fav? Maybe we can cooked for ur bday sumwhere next year?



  7. wah wah super deal!!! I send you the cupcakes once I get the har mee!!!!! you know my address??? haha
