Friday, August 15, 2008

Up Under: Four Days in Sydney

day 2 (night)

Having returned from a whole day of excursions, I joined P in her church, and it was here that I met F again. We were really excited to be meeting again as we probably only get the chance once a year. The church was small but cozy, with mostly young families at the service we were at.

That night, we returned to P's house and she had planned a steamboat dinner, which was a wonderful idea - I had the chance to meet A and T and MN again, who I haven't seen since my IMU days. It was a lovely dinner filled with laughter, and we were just really full by the end of it.
Steamboat recipe. Make soup. Put raw stuff in. Boil. It's almost like instant noodles.

We ended off with desert - they polished off the Turkish pastries that I bought (Melbournians - you have to try Balha's pastry on Sydney Road. You will die smiling!) and we also had some really good ice-cream.

Little M was so used to having so many adults around her, she was unfazed by all the noise we were creating. As we wrapped up, P gave little M a choice of who she wanted a goodnight story from. She selected me to read her her bedtime story!

The story was about a fire-breathing dragon who nobody loved because he kept burning his friends' things... the story had a happy ending though - they finally found a use for him - lighting up birthday candles on a cake. Yay!

(Except that he burnt the cake as well.)

And all is well with the world again as we all crept into our separate beds, sleep coming easier from a tummy full of steamboaty goodness.

(P.S. If you didn't notice, I'm still being bossed around by a two year old girl.)

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