Friday, August 8, 2008

I Do. (Believe In Superstitious Things)

1. Get married.

I should get married at the age of 28, on the eighth day of the eighth month of the year two thousand and eight. It would be really auspicious. I would have eight groomsmen while she has eight bridesmaids. Then I would have an eight day honeymoon in the Figure Eight island in North Carolina, and then we will have eight children, all of them who will have progressive names, Cheok Yat Pat (Cheok One Eight), Cheok Yee Pat (Cheok Two Eight), Cheok Sam Pat... n. (n=8).

Ah well, Mum, sorry to disappoint you and miss the boat... never mind... there's still 09.09.09 and 10.10.10, and 11.11.11 and 12.12.12. (After which I will remain single for the rest of my life.)

Can't wait for the opening ceremony!


  1. urmmm but is there any significance in 9/9/9 or 10/10/10??? haha and you sure you remain single after 12/12/12?

  2. wahah didn't the movies teach you anything. you should do a my best friend's wedding thing and make a deal with your best unmaried friend who is a girl that if you are both not married by 28 (or 38? haha) you will marry one another.

    then at least if it doesn't work out cos she's engaged you can make a funny movie out of it.

  3. nicole tan - yeah, I'm sure. I got expiry date one. Hahaha!

    9 is a significant Chinese number because it sounds like the word for 'enough'... So got some significance la... as in 'Honey, why you want eight hundred tables? Twenty enough la!'

    And 10 is significant because it sounds like the Chinese word for how many children your mother-in-law wants you to bear! Hahahaha!

    k - aaargh! Now you tell me. It's another decade... got to quickly find someone my age and make a blood-binding pact... or a successful film!

    See you both at my forced wedding in ten years' time! Yataa!

  4. what date do I put in my diary heng khuen for 10 years time????? :) 18/08/18???
