Everyone's been asking me this question - so how's the new housemate?
While we all still miss our dear friend and old housemate (Bye Hawch and Jules, sobsob!) this new housemate has really exceeded expectations!
I must admit that when I first chose my new housemate it was with some trepidation due to my own prejudices... I mean, my only experiences with students from China were from my college years in Singapore... and they were fairly, urm... 'singular' or 'unique', shall we say in euphemistic terms.
I remember that hygiene was not very high on their list, and they were often loud and obnoxious. Coming from a family where you were the only son means that you were often spoilt.
But my new housemate struck me as being really different when I first saw him. Happy demeanour, the corners of his mouth waiting to burst into a smile or laugh.
So far he has done all the right things - paying rent on time (not that I care too much) and generally being clean... but he has really impressed by whipping up delicious dinners in a short period of time (and all the cleaning done!). He has also been really generous with his food as well and is quick to share.
Who knows how this housemate friendship will pan out in the long run... But the indications are pretty good, and I guess one little prayer has been answered.
(P.S. Jules - today's unscrambled nine letter word is eightfold. Haha!)
We miss you all so much too!! hehe
OKOK... this is today's one... OIRFUTACN??
Hi Jules! The new housemate's left the house for 3 weeks though, and gone back to China to visit his family.
The word is 'furcation' which I had to guess at. When I googled the meaning - it means the place where something divides into branches. (like bi-furcation).
Lucky guess! We're such nerds!
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