Sunday, May 25, 2008


Okay, so this one isn't an entry for the competition. But they're just having so much fun that they decided to come up with a prequel.

An amazingly shot short movie, and the directing, filming and editing crew deserves huge credit for this one!

And although I don't want to admit it, my urhhh.... brother.... urrrhhh... is.... urrrhhhhh... in this one! Hear his voice resonate in your head long after the McDonald's sign disappears!

And no, Hong Yi is not suffering from a Big Mac related problem. Like all good tragic Korean dramas, there's an underlying fatal medical condition in one of them.

Ah, star crossed lovers and a Big Mac!

Tissue boxes at hand? Enjoy!


  1. Heng Wai looks so cute with a charlie chaplin like hat!
    tap dance tap dance
    can do sepet 2 oledi hehe but one of them must change race lar

    lovey dovey lovey dovey...
    what's the underlying medical condition? high cholesterol too much Mc D's ah! Atherosclerosis! ...but definitely doesn't look like obesity la...

    But I just ordered Mc D's so guess all the BigMacChant hype is workin!

  2. hman i think i like this one better!
    haha it's brilliant companion piece and i like the soundtrack too. hahah perfect

    and your brother sounds like you!

  3. Grace: Yeah I think that there's a crazy amount of hypnotic subliminal messages involved here. I've said it so often I had to go for a burger the other day.

    At Hungry Jacks (Burger King). McDonald's spent so much on advertising, but should have spent it on having more restaurants instead!

    K: Yeah, I liked this one better too, although they personally preferred the first one.

    He sounds like me eh?

    It's actually my voice. I'm the most amazing ventriloquist. Ever. Hahaha!

  4. kekeke.. I like the first one better..:) :) :) D
