Monday, May 19, 2008

Ba Dap Bap Bup Bum....

Big Mac: $3.45

Fake breathing mask: $ 4.95

Watching my brother cry on Youtube for all the world to see: Priceless

There are some things in life that money can't buy. For everything else, you should watch the clip!

This is my brother and Hong Yi's entry into the Big Mac Chant competition, where the winners walk away with RM 10,000! (That's almost six hundred Big Macs here in Australia!)

Please follow the link here to vote for them! Competition closes May 28 so thanks for all your votes!

And if they win, I will personally record my brother crying the tears of joy!


  1. ohmygosh I didn't know that was your brother!!! didn't recognise him
    i saw it cos jonlee the cameo doctor sent the link to us

  2. Yeah K... I should have been the cameo doctor - after all, I have been practising all thesse years! Haha!

    Anyways - vote for them if you'd like! You should check out the other videos too, some are quite fun!

    (All this video watching has made me hungry for a Big Mac!)

  3. wah
    heng wai crying
    so terharu maru subaru babu...

    So proud of him !!Rain number two in the making... Hong yi also did a veligood job.. she shoulda been cannnulated with an IV drip and an ECG machine connected to her though heehee

    I have asked some friends of mine to vote if they like the video..

    nuffnang won't let me vote more than once.How smart they are =(

  4. "Terharu maru subaru baru". You should have been a songwriter or a Haiku poet, dear sis! Hahaha!

    Yeah, there's an even better clip which I will upload now!
