Thursday, April 10, 2008

Medicine Or Something Like It

Tonight I was out to dinner with two friends who came over with me to Melbourne, and we had (I don't know why I keep doing this to myself) Korean food.

If anyone can tell me what the appeal of Korean food is, I am all ears. It is not exactly the most tasty food in the world, lacks the refinement of Japanese food, and does not scream of affordability. It's like going to watch "Dude, Where's My Car?". In Gold Class.

Please remember, though, that you are speaking to a hater of all things green tea - the drink, the ice cream and the human poison they probably make from it.

Anyways, food aside, it was good company, and we are three people who have taken slightly different paths in our lives despite beginning in medicine.

One of my friends is dabbling in the world of Obstretics and Gynaecology - that's baby births and women's health in layman terms - and I thought that was a really interesting choice... it's a good mix of surgery and medicine, and the euphoria of being around newborn babies and their cooing parents. She says that she really enjoys her work, and going to work doesn't feel like going to work for her.

My other friend has taken the bold step of taking the year off medicine to explore her other options. She has found it really difficult to like the work in medicine, despite working with good people. Some might think opting out is the easier option, but for her, I know that this was a difficult decision because of the expectations of her parents who has paid for her medical education.

She actually returned to Malaysia recently and had to confront her parents who, of course, were initially furious, but ultimately supportive. Now, she is looking at working in other aspects of medical related care - pharmaceuticals and the like.

It is in watching the difference in both my friends that I began to look at myself and where I am in my profession in medicine.

Despite being doctors, we struggle with the same insecurities as everyone else in other professions - Am I happy? Is this what I was meant to do? Can I see myself doing this for a lifetime?

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