Tuesday, April 22, 2008


blogkwardness (blŏgkwedn'ĕss, adj.):

The distinct feeling of awkwardness associated with a blog when:

1. The blogger meets up with a friend and tells a story about his/her life, and then the friend reacts in a 'Wait, haven't I heard this somewhere before? Oh, it was actually on his/her blog.' and tries to cover it up with weird laughter,

i) making the blogger look boring because he is repeating a story
ii) making the friend awkward because: -

a) the friend has to laugh like he/she has not heard the story before, or worse -
b) the blogger doesn't actually know the friend reads his/her blog and the friend is afraid the blogger will suspect something

2. You say nasty things on your blog about someone you don't like, who stumbles upon your blog while googling your name to see if they could buy an online voodoo of you and stick needles into it.

3. You finally own up to someone that you read their blog secretly, all at once making them reach for the phone to ring the police, yet curiously flattering them at the same time.

To all bloggers and readers of my blog, thank you for reading my blog and sharing in my blogkwardness sometimes.

It's almost 50 posts now.


    mm you don't want to know how many posts i have..?!

    and yeah i have thesneakysuspicion people already know of my life.. they get the glazedoverlook

    and! the CLASSIC blogg introduction would have to be when i met u at LCOC?! (:

  2. K, you started blogging before the internet began... hahaha!

    Yeah, I didn't really know how to break it to you then. I couldn't look you in the eye and pretend I didn't know this other side of you! Haha!

