Friday, January 11, 2008

No Rest For The Wicked

Total number of hours of sleep the night before: One and a half hours, on my day off.

Sleep deprivation checklist:
1) Headache (No.)
2) Tired (No.)
3) Yawning (No.)
4) Seeing purple cows travelling across the front of my eyes (They're so pretty...
... No.)
5) Mixing up my words (Dofinetily net, I mean daffinately knot.)

I tried to go to bed today at 5 in the morning, but I couldn't so instead I:
1) Showered.
2) Went out for a 6 am jog, and swallowed some flies.
3) Realised that I needed to shower again. Showered again.
4) Looked around the toilet, and noticed a colony of mosquitoes. Figured I didn't let the flies live, so the mosquitoes must die.

(No, I didn't swallow them. At first.)

This shift work is really messing with my sleep system. Now I know how archit(ec/or)ture (with apologies to HY) students must feel like.

The most exciting things that I have done in the past few days (apart from swallowing insects):

1. Reading: To those keeping tabs on my reading habits, I have just finished reading A Thousand Splendid Suns by Khalid Hosseini. This is a really well-written novel exploring two womens' lives in Afghanistan against the backdrop of the political changes there. Those of you who know my reading habits know that I love reading literature from other cultures.

2. Watching : Speaking about literature from other cultures, I finally got to watch the film adaptation of Niccolo Ammaniti's I'm Not Scared (I need to extend my Top 5 reads list). I really love reading books about children adventures too (yes, I'm still reading Famous Five. What are you going to do about it? Be cross with me?) and the film was a beautiful rendition of the story. The rolling Italian wheatgrass hills against the intensely blue skies proved a majestic backdrop to this coming-of-age thriller.

3. Eating. I have finally succumbed to the pressure and have brought my Mum to MART station for breakfast. Loved the cornfritters. Decided that I am not a big fan of berries, although the French toast was magnifique. Mum later pointed out that I should have added the maple syrup. Only a woman of refined taste could have told me that. Come to think of it, a woman with common sense could have told me that.

4. Exciting. I was just lazily browsing the internet when I made my regular trip to, and I read a letter from a Singaporean fan to the football club. I was reading the article and going like, This girl knows what she's talking about, I've felt that way too!

Strangely enough, the more I read it, the more I felt like I've heard it before. I read the name on top, and realised that it was a written by a good friend of mine who's a fellow supporter as well!
Congratulations Jan! (one day I'll even let you read my blog. Hahaha!)

Anyways, to those who do read my blog, thank you, and it always warms my heart when you leave comments, it inspires me to write more! (which isn't always a good thing!)

1 comment:

  1. flies taste nice in ABC soup... as long as there's cili padi with kicap...
    but there's none over there.
    hehe. that's my only consolation ... Malaysia has cili padii!!
