Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Signal Fire

Four days off before the onslaught of nights on Wednesday, and the weekend has been quite a blur. I know my friend in Singapore who's a doctor there once said, 'Man, I just don't understand it... if I had two days off every weekend, like my housemate, I would do something useful with it. You know, like learn a language.'

No he tomado el tiempo para aprender el español. (I have not taken the time to learn Spanish)

Je n'ai pas pris le temps pour apprendre le français. (I have not taken the time to learn French)

Ich habe die Zeit nicht genommen, um Deutsch zu lernen. (These German sausages are delicious. Er, I mean, I have not taken the time to learn German)

Well, there are days which have been completely squandered, I must admit. Like Saturday. And Sunday.

Fortunately, today was a day well spent. It was a beautiful day, perfect for catchup breakfasts with a goodfriendmaturingrightbeforemyeyes. The breakfast was worth the drive, but the conversation was even better! We left the shop with the icing of pink cupcakes and suspicious green-and-yellow sourstrips stuck to our teeth.

The least expensive way to spend a beautiful Monday morning: two dollars parking and a lot of walking. Spring has sprung indeed, and it was wonderful taking in the sunlight watching grown men play morning soccer in the park instead of working. I took a mental picture of the flawless blue sky, the barren trees still coaxing their leaves into the sunshine, the pretty yellow orange flowers carrying the promise of spring, the slow fans of the conservatory brimming with classical music and our laughter as we lost our way back to the car.

Thanks, K, for taking the time to ensure that a beautiful morning like today's did not go unnoticed. Once every six months would be worth a morning like today's!

Back home, and I managed to catch a movie which caught me unsusupecting, and was by far, the most disturbing of films in a long while. I'm not going to tell you what it's called. I just want to say that it made Quentin Tarantino look like he spent his lifetime directing Sesame Street compared to this Korean movie.

Mercifully, my very kind neighbours decided to call me along for an evening movie of Ratatouille, restoring the inner child in me. Definitely heartwarming, please leave your brain at home and bring your appetite to the movie. The whole movie was breathtaking in its detail, and beautiful in its execution. Any show that tempts you to take a rat home and make it your pet gets five stars in my book!

Onto a quick dinner with my brother who has worked really hard today, and then we went to Coles and bought (I can't believe I'm admitting this) a Spongebob Squarepants DVD on impulse. And watched it.

The inner child is definitely becoming an outer child today.

¿Quién vive en una piña bajo el mar? ¡Spongebob Squarepants!

Thing No. 6: The Boy Goes To Skool (Darjah Dua)

The thing that fascinated me most at the tender age of eight was an unassuming kid by the name of KY. He was a bespectacled little kid, and one day he whipped out this piece of paper, which seemed innocuous enough - it was a rectangular piece of paper with two ends sticking out like a little singlet, like so:

He would say, 'Look, okay? I'm going to use the power of my mind and bend these two ends.' And then he would pause for dramatic effect, and using all the concentration an eight year old can muster, he stared at the two ends of the paper, and suddenly the ends started to bend by themselves.

It was magic. Like the magic my friend LWK had. (see entry in mellowdramatic.blogdrive.com dated Dec 10/06) All this magic buzzing around my school, it was like freaking Hogwarts. And I wasn't Harry Potter. I wasn't even Ron Weasley. IQ wise, I would have been the equivalent of Harry's Nimbus 2000, his faithful broomstick.

How'd he do it? Well, it's quite simple actually... You see... yeah, like I'm going tell you! I spent the whole of Darjah Dua figuring it out so you can waste some of your precious life figuring it out!


  1. dong checks in. after your exodus from blogdrive, welcome to the wilderness of blogger. (:

    i don't know what i'm saying. the rabbit looks like er.. donnie darko.

  2. Welcome, dong! This wilderness allows me more pictures than the other blog-driveway, so I'm going to be wandering around here for awhile (let's say, forty years?)

    The rabbit is cuter than Donnie Darko. Sheesh, it's even cuter than Jake Gylenhaal himself!

  3. im so confused!!! i've wasted a significant proportion of my life (ohno even more significant should i perish early due to my love of eggs) trying to figure out what u meant by the bending the ends of paper whatever?!
