You want a story? I've got a story for you.
There were five of us - Vincent, Jeremy, Siew Tat, Khong Nam and myself.
We were eighteen then, bored and restless one night.
Let's go clubbing, said Siew Tat.By the time we got to the clubs, it was already about three a.m., and they were closing for the night.
Sien ah.
We were sitting in my car, wondering what to do next when Jeremy pipped up- 'Hey, what about we go and see Lorong Haji Taib?'
Five teenage boys. Whose ears perked up at the mention of Lorong Haji Taib - a place only whispered or laughed about in school in
hamsup (lewd) conversations about sensual massages, transvestites and streetwalkers.
We swallowed hard. Our goosebumps raised at the thought of doing something so dangerous, our hearts raced and our penises throbbed at the thought of the forbidden fruit.
I looked around at the other four boys. Loud braggers who had always described how we would 'do' it with this or that girl,
one day - the usual big talk for five virgin boys. Always.
After a few wrong turns, I finally got us there in my Dad's car. We did the smart thing and parked our car far, far away from the actual street itself. Being the cautious Malaysians about to wander into a potentially dangerous situation, we took out all our wallets and the ones who had handphones bundled them all into the glove compartment, although Jeremy brought his, just in case.
Fifty ringgits in each of our pockets, with two hundred sitting safely in the car. Steering wheel lock - on. Car alarm - on.
We looked at each other, guilt flashing in our eyes briefly before we broke out into smiles and headed off into the night in search of adventure.
Lorong Haji Taib
was everything we imagined. The shops below had their metal shutters drawn for the night, but the stairs leading up to the second and third floors of the old shophouses were lit with cheap fluorescent lights, drawing customers like moths to the many prostitutes/transvestites standing at the entrances below.
We motioned each other to the single cars parked with their brake lights on in the distance, their windows open, the driver haggling a price with the hooker leaning against his window.
We sniggered. We swallowed harder.
brudder!' we suddenly heard a call to our right. "You want massage
We stopped and turned to look at the Indian man calling out to us.
"You want massage?" he repeated.
We hesitated. "Er no
lah, uncle, thanks very much." I brought up my hand and weakly smiled my declination.
"We got all kinds of girls... You don't have to try. Just see first
lah... Can choose anyone."
I didn't like the look of the seedy Indian man, and quickly glanced at Siew Tat, Vincent and Khong Nam, motioning to them to keep walking. When I turned around, I saw Jeremy's back, following that man into an alley.
Ah, crap.
"Eh, shit
lah... Jeremy!"
Jeremy briefly turned, his big head of hair covering his chubby, enthiusiastic "Come on, guys, this is our chance!" face. I ran after him, and the rest of them ambled along unsurely towards the alleyway.
It was a really narrow and dimly lit alley between the shops, and we walked past these two Indian aunties who looked briefly up from their newspapers at us. I could have sworn I saw them shaking their heads.
I caught up to Jeremy, and both him and I followed the man into this dingy shophouse. There was a solitary lightbulb hanging from the ceiling, and nothing else. No furniture. Nothing else. Not a single damned thing. This was bad news.
We suddenly heard the steel shuttered gate slam behind us. And then the uncle
locked it. This was
really bad news.
Two other Indian men suddenly appeared, and all our initial excitement was now replaced with a more recognisable emotion - fear. Their eyes were redshot from the mix of toddy and whatever drugs they had been taking, and my knees suddenly went weak with the very real thought that we could get hurt tonight, or worse.
So kamu mahu massage ah? (So you want massage
ah?)" one of them smiled leeringly at us, his features accentuated in the scant light offered by the bulb.
"Er... No lah, brudder. I, erm... we're actually quite tired already... I think we're going to go
lah.... No need massage already."
Masuk sini, mesti
mahu massage. (Come in here,
must massage)" He had lost his smile, and I was about to lose my continence.
lah, brudder," I stammered. "I'm really quite tired. Anyway, my three friends are waiting outside..."
The Indian uncle who had lured us in motioned to the other drug-addled sidekick, and within a minute, we were joined by Khong Nam, Vincent and Siew Tat. The steel gate slammed shut sickeningly again, and I looked at the three of them apologetically.
All three picked up the fear in both our eyes, and it was contagious - their nostrils started flaring and they started breathing shallower as well.Our fight-or-flight response kicked in, and we were ready to take our chances with these three Indian men. Number-wise we were on top, but if you compared our sizes, despite being five on three, I would say, we were pretty even.
"So, who wants the massage?" the uncle growled, interrupting the virtual fight that we were taking on in our heads.
Our pupils dilated, our heads almost shook in unison.
"Eh, uncle never mind lah. We give you money. Forget about the massage."
Fuck you! You come in already. You
must have massage. I don't care."
I looked at my friends, and felt responsible for getting them into this situation. My mind worked overtime. Maybe it wasn't time for mortal combat. Maybe it was time for diplomacy.
"Eh uncle, okay
lah, okay
lah. Just me and my friend here. We'll go for the massage."
I pulled Jeremy with me and we turned around to look at the rest briefly before the uncle led us to
The Second Floor
Imagine two beds side by side. Imagine two beds that've been used by many men over the years, that's never been cleaned the whole time. See the rust collecting on the steel frame, see the stains showing up by the fluorescent light above, smell the years of bodily fluids crusting on the mattress.
"Okay. Take off all your clothes. Your girls will come soon."
"Pay first
ah. Fifty ringgit."
lah. I knew we were being taken for a ride, but the menacing uncle had convinced me one hundred ringgit was a small price to pay compared to, oh, say, a slow painful death, our bodies never to be found again.
Let's get this over with, I thought. Jeremy and I quickly undressed, and we folded our clothes into the only other piece of furniture in the room - a bare cupboard at the back of the room a distance away from the bed.
We barely had time to pop ourselves down onto the rickety bed before our 'girls' arrived. You guessed it - the two Indian aunties who we had passed on the way in. I am being kind here when I say that one of them looked like she had been run over by a truck and never really recovered from it, while the other one looked like her uglier older sister.
baring depan (Okay, lie face down)." We fearfully did as we were told as I had the strong sense of the uncle lingering outside the room.
Jeremy and I lied next to each other on the bed, almost naked. The night was turning out swell. I looked at him, and whispered,
"Hey, Jeremy? If we survive this, I'm going to
kill you."